How to get free missed call alert?

Free missed call alert?How to get free missed call alert? Free missed call alert. If you are a busy man and also need for a help by the support of a mobile phone,so you must reed the article carefully and get free missed call alert from your phone service and this is absolutely free for all.

Though all the operators of our country deducted some fee from your mobile balance but this is absolutely free missed call alert for you. Just flow the instruction and test your first call now.

How to get free missed call alert?

  • go to the setting menu of your mobile phone
  • go to the call settings options
  • If you are two SIM card users so select the SIM (one/two) call settings
  • go to the call divert options
  • go to the divert if unreachable options
  • go to the active
  • go to the to a new number
  • set the number ” 1266 “
  • go to the done or ok

Free missed call alert?Now press switched off button of your mobile phone.

You are done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try to call your phone. Which is the switched off. You will get a automated call like that-

This is voice mail service. you enter the voice mail box of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx please leave your message after the beep and press # . After completing the message press (2 ) for confirm.  Then somebody send a message to your switched off phone.

Free missed call alert

And now when you ON your mobile phone, you will get a SMS from 1266 number and open the SMS and view the number that who called you when your phone switched off.

Please just see the number who call you but don’t to try call back the 1266 number. If you need to read the voice you can do it. but other wise not.

Finally just see the number and you can call him. It is processed by regular charge when you call. Otherwise not.

Just you know who called you?????

Thanks every body for reading the tips. Free missed call alert

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